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Two-Ingredient Pancakes, A Love Story

I’m terribly sorry I’ve been AWOL, but for about 2 1/2 weeks each month I work on our club newsletter and feel horribly guilty if I turn my thoughts towards something that isn’t related to Getting The Darned Thing Put Together. The rest of the month I almost can’t be arsed. 😉 Such a dedicated food blogger I am!

Despite this, me ol’ brain is always percolating with Ideas, and I do actually have a kind of backlog of things I’ve intended to post here but haven’t gotten around to yet. Those ideas have suddenly been pre-empted by something else: the Two-Ingredient Pancakes.

It’s been like a whirlwind romance with me and this recipe. I discovered it yesterday on one of the many food blogs I follow, The Domestic Man, and was immediately taken by its charm. Two ingredients? No grains? Perfect…and easy. Very appealing for a lazy cook such as myself. I pinned it to Pinterest right away, intending to check out the recipe very soon.

This morning, after I’d returned from grocery shopping, I was digging out my crockpot (to make Beef and Beer Stew, actually!) when my bloodshot eye (insomnia again) fell upon my neglected blender. I recalled that the sexy little recipe that’d been on my mind since yesterday recommended using a blender to mix the two ingredients together very thoroughly. I realized also that I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet AND that I had both eggs and bananas in the house. (Picture the flashing lights and dinging bells of a pinball machine that’s just registered a triple bonus.)

Into the blender:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 banana

Whizz them together until smooth. Heat up some coconut oil in a pan. Pour three mini-pancakes circles of batter into the pan. Flip ’em when ready. Serve immediately with whatever toppings you like, or eat them as-is. Makes about 9 mini-pancakes. Mmmmm.

Pancakes that will please your tastebuds and won't irritate your gut. :) Yes, I said "gut" in a food recommendation.

Pancakes that will please your tastebuds and won’t irritate your gut. 🙂 Yes, I said “gut” in a food recommendation. We’re all friends here…it’s okay to talk about guts.

I have tried a few flourless pancake recipes, and none have been appealing enough to make a second time. The last time I tried one was particularly unsuccessful: the “pancake” was a very strange consistency, kept falling apart in clumps, and the flavor was awful. So I’d given up finding one. THIS recipe, however, has all the hallmarks of a keeper. Easy to make the batter. The pancakes stay together while they’re cooking up in the pan. The texture is good, though I’ll warn you, they are a bit more eggy than regular flour-based pancakes. And they are indeed delicious.

Try them and fall in love, too. (Or not. More for me. 😉 )

Edit: these also get a thumbs-up from The Young Picky One!

6 responses to “Two-Ingredient Pancakes, A Love Story

  1. Did they feel ‘heavy’ or light and fluffy from the blender action?

  2. Pangaroxx ⋅

    Monkey omelet 🙂

  3. Love it. Glad you liked the recipe! I think next time I’m going to add a little almond butter to see how it turns out.

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